Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Route, Maybe.

Pull out those maps printed post 1990 and check out our theoretical route. Our destinations are based on drunken nights of gazing at a map of Europe, inspired by fantasy, fascination, and unsubstantiated folk lore. From Warsaw we head South to Krakow. Onward through Slovakia toward Budapest. Then we'll bank hard left and cross into Romania were we are going to track down a renovated castle that's now a sanatorium in the Transivanian Alps. Then South again into Belgrade,Serbia and Sarajevo, Bosnia. Then it's time to kick it on the Adriatic Coast and work on our tans. Dubrovnik, Croatia is our Southern destination. From there it's hard to know. Maybe up the Croatian Coast. Maybe, depending on finances, a boat ride to Italy and North from there. Only time will tell. 6 days and counting! Be well, happy trails.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Last post from Bend. See ya in Poland cowboys and cowgirls.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

To Everyone,
Thanks for checking the page out. Me and Brett are fantastically excited about getting underway. We'll be in touch as often as our path will allow. Until next time and best wishes. Steven